Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Internship @ MOSAIC THEATRE (Week 8)

So it's finally my last week at Mosaic Theatre. I can't say it's been an easy internship, because I put in a lot of hours, a lot of effort, and I had to learn the basics quick, but I loved every single minute of it. 

During this last week I concentrated on updating and finalizing the customization of Mosaic Theatre's Tumblr, StumbleUpon, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram web page. I edited them, made them a little more eye catching, added all the posts Jon and Richard thought best to add before I left, etc. Last but not least, I taught Jon and Richard about the basics on how to control, edit, and basically use these networking websites. It wasn't an easy task, as most of these webpages are a little difficult to get an understanding of, but with lots of patience and time, they came to understand.

They were so appreciative about the work I did with these webpages, they even began a Social Media Internship, which I also promoted on all of the networking websites.

It was so great to see that I actually made a real contribution to the company and that I left a mark behind. That was my ultimate goal.

On my last day, we all sat down and talked about the company and my time at Mosaic Theatre. I gave suggestions about what posts they should be posting and they gave me suggestions about my acting career and how to better go about it.

I suggested that they begin to involve the public more and become a little more personal on their websites, showing the behind the scenes and day to day at Mosaic Theatre. This way, people would start understanding all the hard work they put into each play and they would also be able to communicate and form a more personal connection with Richard and Jon. 

They gave me some suggestions about what auditions to go to and where to sign up to hear about them.

Overall it was a great opportunity and I learned so much about the true work that goes behind a theatre.

Hopefully, for their next auditions, I'll be able to audition and be casted. That way I can see the other side of the theatre.

I truly appreciate everything Jon and Richard did for me at Mosaic Theatre. It was a pleasure working with them. 

Now on to the next one!!

Happy Acting,

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