Friday, July 13, 2012

Internship @ MOSAIC THEATRE (Week 5)

Hey there again!!
So half of my Internship is over and now comes the second half; and because the play, The Edge of Our Bodies, finished, the second half of my Internship will involve less interaction with patrons and more administrative projects. During this 5th week, Mosaic Theatre has begun preparing for next season, and organization is the key. This is where I come in.

During the next 4 weeks, starting this past 5th week of my Internship, my projects revolve around doing inventory, organizing next season's subscription and ticket orders, making spread sheets to organize all the papers and documents in the office, shredding those that are of no use anymore,  etc. More interestingly though, because of my age and knowledge of how to use social media networking sites, Richard and Jon - my bosses - have asked me to help make Mosaic Theatre more internet friendly.They want to find new ways to spread the word about their showcases, events, ticket offers, etc., so I offered to help setting them up with a range of different networking sites like:

- TUMBLR          (                                                                                
- TWITTER         (

Therefore, throughout the week, I set them up with these sites, personalized them, showed them how to use them, and I now update them evert work day. I also suggested to them that they start looking for a Social Media Intern and I spread the word about this in the sites as well. So I really stepped it up in terms of my responsibilities and adding a little bit of my knowledge and personality into the job.

Nevertheless, this week has been an interesting one and I actually feel really proud of my self because I took the initiative to offer a diverse way of helping the company and truly set the bar higher for myself. I can certainly tell that my bosses liked to see this side of me as they thanked me for introducing them to a side of the business they has not yet quite understood how to work. Yes, they did have a Twitter and Facebook already, but did not fully understand how to use them to their full advantage.

I never thought that this is the way my Internship would go. I'm an acting major and didn't expect to be doing marketing for the company, but I'm glad I did. I'm starting to spread my wings a little more, exploring what other aspects of the business I can work with and take charge. More so, by going on other theatre's websites and viewing their profiles, to make sure that Mosaic is up to date with all of them and also add them or Mosaic as followers, I have come to see that there are many others theatre's across the US that I can go do Internships of apprenticeships for. This gives me a sense of hope and inspiration to go look for other opportunities in other places in the world and not limit myself to my surroundings.

Ergo, this week was awesome!! Learning how to run a theatre office was not what I expected or initially wanted, but I'm learning about so many different things that I can now genuinely understand and appreciate the muscle behind the stage and play. The office that makes the art of theatre possible!!

I really do recommend for any aspiring actors/actresses that they at some point take the time to work as an Intern at a small theatre company like this one, to comprehend and learn about the backbone of the theatre.

Happy Acting,

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