Hey Hey Hey!!
Right, so week 4 was a busy one. Since it was the last weekend that The Edge of Our Bodies would be running, people were really rushing to come watch it before it ended. The box office was a little crazy with so many people rushing in, getting late, or forgetting to book tickets, but since I had three weeks of enough training, I did pretty awesome. Nonetheless, this weekend was kind of like my test to see if I learned to run the box office and be house manager under pressure, and I believe I passed with flying colors. :)
Other than doing my regular little administrative projects during the week, and running box office and house manager during the weekend, on Tuesday night I got to do something a little different. Mosaic Theatre hosted a play reading with FREE admission, so I was on crowd control. More so, since we didn't have ushers working that night, I also served as an usher. Surprisingly, a lot of people came, so I guess play readings are more crowd appealing than what I believed.
After the play reading, we hosted a little party with snacks and wine. I served all the wine and snacks and went around the party talking to everyone and asking about their opinions about the play reading. Luckily, everyone seemed to have loved it.
In other words, this week was less learning and more putting to the test, which makes sense as it was the play's last week running, so my duties would soon change, and it was the end of the first half of my internship.
My bosses think I'm a huge help, which is very nice to hear. :)
One thing that did stand out about this week though was that I had to engage in SALES. My boss asked me to remind patrons to subscribe for next season and to try and get as many as I could to do so as we needed more subscriptions. This was a little bit of a task, as I'm not use to sales, but my boss told me to be relaxed and use my personality, so I did. I approached it in a very excited, jokingly, and relaxed way and after a few tries I got the hang of it and got quite a few people to subscribe.
Anyway, I'm sure these next 4 weeks are going to be hard but exciting as my jobs will probably entail different things now. Regardless, I'm excited.
Happy Acting,
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